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Brainboard Feature Changelog - Week #3 - January 2023
We're excited to share with you the latest updates and improvements to our platform. Here's a summary of what we've been working on this week:
Storage Container already exists issue:
- Problem: When creating a new Storage Container in Brainboard, if the container already exists in AWS or Azure, the application would fail.
- Solution: We have implemented a check that verifies if the container already exists in the specified cloud provider before attempting to create it. If the container already exists, Brainboard will no longer fail and will instead display a message indicating that the container already exists.
Git Personal Token Editing Error:
- Problem: When editing only one field in the Git Personal Token, an error occurred and the changes were not saved.
- Solution: We have identified the problem and fixed the issue with the Git Personal Token editing process. Users should now be able to edit any field in the token without encountering errors.
Terraform Block Removal:
- Problem: When importing Terraform files, such as backend.tf that contains a Terraform block and many providers block, the Terraform block was automatically removed.
- Solution: We have identified the problem and fixed the issue with the Terraform block removal during import. The Terraform block should now be retained and not removed during the import process.
Map variable syntax issue:
- Problem: When importing a Terraform file that contains a map as the type of variable and the values are defined in terraform.tfvars, the values were changed and replaced with an invalid Terraform syntax, causing the plan to fail,
- Solution: We have identified the problem and fixed the issue with the map variable syntax. The values should now be imported correctly and retain their original syntax.
Validation Block Import:
- Problem: When importing from Git or files, for example, a Terraform code that contains a validation block, the variables validation block was not imported in Brainboard.
- Solution: We have identified the problem and fixed the issue with the validation block import. The variables validation block should now be imported correctly and be visible in Brainboard.
Terraform Variables Modal:
- Problem: The Terraform variable modal was changing every time it was opened or when doing a pull request. This caused confusion and made it difficult to track changes.
- Solution: We have made changes to the Terraform variable modal, so it will no longer change every time it is opened or when doing a pull request. This will make it easier to track changes and manage variables.
Default Terraform Code File:
- Problem: The default Terraform code file was main.tf, but it was causing confusion when working on a different resource file.
- Solution: We have changed the default Terraform code file to be the resource file that the user is currently working on. This will make it easier to manage multiple resource files and keep track of changes.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and thank you for bringing it to our attention.
Please note that the above issues have been fixed in the latest version of Brainboard and should no longer occur. If you continue to experience any issues, please reach out to our support team on our Public Slack Channel.