🐞 Bug Fixes
4 months ago

🪲 We still found time to fix some bugs...

  • Toaster/Notification Improvements: Adjusted the toaster component to have a 5s timeout, and moved it to the best place in the app: the bottom right. We also added a "Close all" button for multiple toasts, preventing duplicate notifications, and ensuring new toasts push up existing ones with right-to-left animation.
  • Teams and project creation: We fixed a few issues related to creating teams and projects: teams name is case-insensitive now, prevent deleting the last of a project as it will lock access and better handling of project creation errors.
  • Team Improvements: Resolved the issue where a user with a custom organizational role was missing from the table, causing incorrect layout display when there are 4 teams.
  • Import CP AWS: We fixed different issues on AWS resources when importing from the provider, and we increased the coverage of the supported resources that you can import as we use now the native resource listing of AWS through resource explorer.
  • Project description update: Even the smallest bugs, we make sure to fix them. We fixed the issue related to the description of the project that wasn’t saved properly during updates.